My beautiful little miss was dedicated this past weekend. It was a small, intimate gathering of our community. It was a wonderful opportunity to be reminded that we are not in this whole raising a daughter thing alone. We have a community surrounding us that wants to be apart of both her and our lives.
Being me, I went a little all out. I enjoy party planing and so I decided to have some fun with it!
I made Emma's dress and headband. I used the Charlotte pattern from Mamma Stellato's Etsy shop. The fabric is from Joann's and I absolutely love it. My husband even picked it out! {between playing on his cell phone and complaining that I tricked him into going to Joann's with me} I made the headband via this tutorial.
{On a side note, I highly recommend you look at Mamma Stellato's patterns. They are adorable, reasonably priced, and easy to follow. I'm currently working on the Amelia top for a baby shower present and am thrilled with how its coming together!}
The bunting was just scrapbook papper that I cut, punched holes in, and strung from leftover twine.
I also went a little overboard on the treats. Here was the menu:
Sugar Cookies {I added 1/4 cup milk to the dough and then rolled them out using powdered sugar rather than flour} with Buttercream frosting {I used half Crisco, half butter}
Pumpkin Pie Dip with Nella Wafers and Apples
Assorted veggies with Tzatziki dip
The cookies were a bit of a disaster. This is the second round of cookies, frosted hastily about three minutes before the doorbell rang.For the first round, I frosted these beautiful swirls in pinks, purples, and blues. I loved them. After admiring my creation, I went to get dressed. A couple of minutes later, there was a crash in the kitchen. A little helper {also know as my cat, Fudge} thought he needed to taste test the cookies for us. Seriously... this cat has never gotten up on our counters. Why cookies were so enticing to him, I'll never know!
I used plates and cups I got on clearance at Hobby Lobby to create my cookie stand. There's all kinds of tutorials for this out there, if you want one. I just used E600 to glue it all together. this a couple of days before you want to use the platter. And, do it in the garage or outside somewhere. E600 smells and the smell lasts!
These wonderful invitations were created by my best friend. She also did all the art work in little miss's nursery and her birth announcements. If you need invites or announcements made, let me know and I can get you in contact with her!

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