I lived with three wonderful girls in college. They were nothing short of the best roommates I could have ever hoped for. They were a large part of what made my college experience. And they're part of what's really hard about living half a country away from family and friends. I have missed one of my roommates falling in love and getting engaged. And recently I missed the birth of another's sweet baby girl.
It was very hard for me not to have them around to meet Emma and Wesley when they were born. And it hurt my heart overly hormonal postpartum heart to not meet Erin's tiny little arrival. So, emotional sewing seemed in order.
I used Simple Simon and Co's wonderful Quilt as You Go Bib tutorial. I didn't have any printer ink so I just traced one of Emma's old bibs as a pattern.
The fabrics all came out of my scrap piles. The vast majority are various Bonnie and Camille fabrics. The cross stitch looking flowers are from Riley Blake.
I'm still swooning over these sweet little heart snaps. I want to add them to everything!
Oh, and I made a bow for good measure! Because...why not!